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Thursday, April 14, 2011

kata2 hikmah yang wujud lam mrchentasprofile

Ø Girls are like sugar, sweet and fun but a threat to our health.

Ø The world is full with colours. It shows the harmony, the place that we live in. Seriously said, life will be happier when colours are around us. Colours do effect our personality. Some colours give us the energy to be active, some give us the feel of calmness and a lot more. When colours mixed with the beauty of a woman, it will create love.

Ø Calmness is about peace,love and to acccept others. Calmness also can be shown through arts.

Ø Music and Photography, the best couple ever

Ø Jealousy can strike hard in times you can't even expect it. It came like thunder, strike at seconds and the pain is killing. It keep on hurting until you know the true story but the memory about the fear of lightning will remain for sometimes. Yes, I'm jealous about it, and I don't know the true story, and now you know how I feel right now.

Ø Once, a wise man said this to me, "if you're physically beautiful, no matter what you wear you'll look beautiful at every eyes on earth but if you're beautiful deep inside your heart, you'll look beautiful at every eyes, people's heart and talks. It shows that a good hearted person is triple more beautiful.

Ø Once a beauty, always a beauty, no matter what.

Ø Hijab shows the internal beauty of the user, yes !

Ø " Friends come and go but photography stick to my heart forever "

Ø Hidup ini penuh drama sebenarnya. Tiada sorang pun yang betul, tiada sorang juga yang sentiasa salah. Kawan adalah anugerah. Datang dan pergi saat kita tidak terduga. Yang datang belum tentu ikhlas, yang pergi pula belum tentu kerna benci. Tetapi satu yang pasti, semua yang terjadi ada hikmahnya. Ada orang pernah kata, jangan tinggalkan benda yang kita sayang untuk orang yang kita suka.

Ø Dulu kita satu jiwa...satu impian..Susah dan senang kita bersama..Namun semua itu sementara...

Ø Untuk rakan2 saya yang putus cinta, tabah la. Bunga bukan sekuntum dan kumbang bukan seekor dan hidup ini bukan cinta manusia yang dikejar. Cinta itu pasti akan hadir, jodoh itu pasti akan ketemu, walau berjaya memiliki bukan selamanya milik kita. Hargai apa yang kita ada, jaga dengan baik dan jangan sesekali kecewakan orang yang mencintai kita. Hidup ini memerlukan pengorbanan walau dalam apa urusan sekalipun.

Ø Jangan sehingga berlakunya perpisahan...baru kita ungkapkan..

Ø "Seandainya masa itu kembali semula, ingin ku memiliki lebih dari itu..."

Ø Ia mengambil masa seminit untuk jatuh hati pada seseorang,
Satu jam untuk menyukai seseorang,
 Satu hari untuk mencintai seseorang,
Tetapi ia mengambil masa sepanjang hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.

Ø "Selagi saya ada di depan mata awak, hargailah saya....kerana apabila tiba masa untuk saya pergi..tiada insan yang lebih baik dari saya yang jujur mencintai awak..."

Ø Life's like a music, play it with beautiful melody, and you'll be happy.

Ø Potrait of hijab girl focus on subject's politeness while others focus on the beauty of their body.

Ø We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone.

Ø "I've got everything I need except a woman. And I'm not one of those man who thinks a woman is the answer to everything, but I'm tired to be alone"

Ø When you miss me just look up to the night sky and remember, I'm like a star; sometimes you can't see me, but I'm always there.

Ø Give her two red roses, each with a note. The first note says For the woman I love and the second, For my best friend.

Ø It's beauty that captures your attention, personality which captures your heart

Ø See the world through your friend's eyes and you'll know what's your action that hurts your friend.

Ø Heart can hold thousand of pain but at some point, it needs a rest for a while.

Ø Diri ini..terasa letih. Semakin lama, semakin keseorangan rasanya. Hanya Dia yang sentiasa bersama. Sampai masa..aku akan pergi...tidak akan lewat sesaat....tidak akan cepat sesaat..Harapan ku, sebelum diri ini pergi, dimaafkan segala salah silap ku oleh rakan2 sama ada mengenali secara lansung atau tidak lansung..

Ø Life is full of colours. It decorates our life with stories that teach us the meaning of life. Every human being will feel happiness,sadness,lonely,love and a lot more. It's life. Don't afraid to feel all of it as it will colours your life into something wonderful like this

Ø Fill your life with love as life is short to be sad

Ø Time will never wait for you to change, once you stop the world leaves you.

mulai saat ini, (skrg dah 2 saat)blog ni akan jadi tmpt aQ meluah.. 
so.. apa2 yg terlintas kat kpala aQ tym tu korg jan la pedulik ea.. aQ tgh sakit hati ka.. marah ka.. sedih ka.. happy ka.. klakar yg terconnect ka..syok sndiri ka.. jan la ambik aty ya.. 


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